Feiyue Shoes The Most Chinese & the Most Asian
Asia, along with a centuries-old history, covers a wide range of regions and nations with a variety of distinctive features. Times has been electing through public appraisal a list of “the Asian Tops” every single year since 2004, in order to find out those unknown or undiscovered beauty of both natural and man-made miracles of the native.
The list of 2010 came out with 16 items, of which China took up 5 in total, ranking number one of all the countries involved. The judgment was made by three categories: the best for brains, body and heart. Aside from Hong Kong’s entertainment device “Stu-dio CX” in a passenger compartment, labeled as the best way to keep a clear mind in a tourist class, the rest four items are native to the mainland of China, all featured very Chinese.
The spot worthiest to visit before missing
The Beijing Drum Tower, a remarkable historical heritage, was on the list of the best 5 items for minds. Marco Polo had once portrayed the 13th century Beijing, where he was stunned at “a grand bell”, left till today but with no rings any more. Nevertheless, the neighborhoods, called “Drum Tower” by Beijing natives, remain to a special community of intimacy and prosperity. But such a living condition closely combined with tradition and history would soon give way to the constant city construction, which is in full swing now. It is said that the Drum Tower would be transformed into “a city of Beijing history and culture”, supplemented with malls, museums and squares. With the exception of the building itself, the courtyards, stores, restaurants and bars would soon disappear.
Apparently, the Westerners prefer the city or the historical spot as it used to be to the present state which has undergone modern reform. It is its indigenous features and historical and cultural meanings that are most appreciated and attract and impress tourists most. So the Times crowned Beijing Drum Tower the spot worthiest to visit before missing.
The most successful comeback
Relative to other historical spots or heritages, the Feiyue Shoes from Shanghai are distinctly the most special of the top list of Asia, renowned as “the best vogue with redecoration”.
Feiyue is one of the most noted brand names in China, and now is a global trend after redesigned. Feiyue shoes were initially made in the 1920s, light, endurable, comfortable and cheap, and turned out to find numberless fans in students, workers, and particularly Shaolin monks and most kung fu practitioners. Dramatically, going through ups and downs in China, it was discovered by a couple of ambitious Frenchmen and they should have foreseen its potential opportunity in the youth and a bright future of this classic brand. Needless to say, they finally made it and reached an agreement with Chinese manufacturers, expanding those classic shoes to the overseas market with a bit of reform and innovation, only to gain a universal popularity and achieve a real leap.
Today’s Feiyue is no longer the poor shoe in a road side stall, but a sign of retro and fashion, along with a considerable improvement in materials and manufacturing techniques Feiyue
Delta Mid
As it prevailed over the globe, the Hollywood super star Orlando Bloom, who had starred in Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean series, was soon exposed to the public in Feiyue shoes Feiyue 10N28e and an utter devotee, which could only add to the popularity of the obsession throughout the world. No trend seekers and editors of fashion media would like to miss it, and the top magazine in France ELLE approved of Feiyue’s development in Europe.
No matter how far it travels, the root of Feiyue is in Shanghai, China. Though with constant reform and redecoration, the Chinese elements are still distinctive and the original functions and qualities as sneakers continue to sparkle. No wonder it was selected into the Most Asian list of the Best for body Feiyue Shoes USA.
The best edible fungi
Another best item for body falls on the edible fungi in Yunnan, a Southwestern province of China featuring the most diverse natural resources and living species. What thrills gourmets most is the incredible variety of edible fungi with over 850 kinds, most of which are not only delicious but also beneficial to health. And the locals are expert at making a diversity of special cuisines with different fungi in very different ways, adored by foodies from each corner of the world. A large number of fungi are regarded as Chinese herbal medicines, probably well accounting for the special effect on some diseases and application in treatment and health care.The best place to forget media
Dege County situates itself in a remote region of Northwestern Sichuan, almost in isolation from the outside world, just owing to which the traditional techniques are liable to be passed down and well preserved. It is one of the few places where wood printing still can be found, which is a very complicated and time-consuming craft, but their work is really worthwhile. In Dege Printer Institute, there are more than two hundred thousand wooden boards printed numerous classics of Tibetan Buddhism and knowledge of history, religion, astronomy and art passed down through generations.It’s really a place where traditions announce the triumph with the traditional printing staying alive against all conflicts from industrialization and modernization.